Database of cinema, music, history and literature

my cousin rachel (1952)

Original title: my cousin rachel
Production: USA|98 min| black and white
Dramatic, Romantic, Mystery
Poster of movie my cousin rachel
a young man plots revenge against the woman he believes murdered his cousin, but his plans are shaken when he comes face to face with the enigmatic beauty.

Festivals and awards


Henry KosterHenry Kosterregista

Production and Screenplay

Nunnally JohnsonNunnally Johnsonproduttore
Nunnally JohnsonNunnally Johnsonsceneggiatore
Henry KosterHenry Kostersceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Olivia De HavillandOlivia De Havilland(età:36)
Richard BurtonRichard Burton(età:27)
(philip ashley)
John SuttonJohn Sutton(età:44)
(ambrose ashley)
Audrey DaltonAudrey Dalton(età:18)
Ronald Squire(età:66)
(nick kendall)
George DolenzGeorge Dolenz(età:44)
Tudor OwenTudor Owen(età:54)
(j.m. kerrigan)
Margaret Brewster(età:67)
Alma Lawton(età:56)
(mary pascoe)
Mario SilettiMario Siletti(età:55)
Lumsden HareLumsden Hare(età:77)
Trevor Ward(età:44)
Victor Wood(età:38)
Hamilton CampHamilton Camp(età:18)
(philip ashley adolescente)
Robert Haines(età:58)
Earl Robie(età:6)
James Fairfax(età:55)
Ola Lorraine(età:35)
George Plues(età:57)

Technical staff

Franz WaxmanFranz Waxmanmusiche
Joseph LashelleJoseph Lashelledirettore della fotografia
Dorothy JeakinsDorothy Jeakinscostumista
Ben NyeBen Nyetruccatore
ManWalter M. Scottscenografo
ManWalter M. Scottarredatore
Lyle R. WheelerLyle R. Wheelerscenografo
Charles Le maireCharles Le mairecostumista
John Decuirscenografo
Louis R. loefflermontatore
Frank Prehodatruccatore
WomanEsperanza Coronaparrucchiere

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1952)