Database of cinema, music, history and literature

my favourite wife (1940)

Original title: my favorite wife
Production: USA|88 min| black and white|
The same story is the basis of the movies:

Festivals and awards

Oscar 1941 - nomination Best Music, Scoring
Assigned to: Roy Webb


Garson KaninGarson Kaninregista

Production and Screenplay

Leo McCareyLeo McCareyproduttore
Leo McCareyLeo McCareysceneggiatore
Garson KaninGarson Kaninsceneggiatore
Bella Spewacksceneggiatore
John Mcclainsceneggiatore
Sam Spewacksceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Gail PatrickGail Patrick(età:29)
(gail patrick)
Randolph ScottRandolph Scott(età:42)
(randolph scott)
Ann ShoemakerAnn Shoemaker(età:49)
(ann shoemaker)
Mary Lou harrington(età:9)
(mary lou harrington)
Granville Bates(età:58)
(granville bates)
scotty beckett
donald macbride
hugh o'connell
jean acker
Jean AckerJean Acker(età:47)

Technical staff

Robert WiseRobert Wisemontatore
Rudolph MatéRudolph Matédirettore della fotografia
Van Nest PolglaseVan Nest Polglasescenografo
Roy WebbRoy Webbmusiche
Mark Lee Kirkscenografo
Darrell SilveraDarrell Silverascenografo
Howard GreerHoward Greercostumista
Mel BernsMel Bernstruccatore
Mark-lee Kirkscenografo

Voices and Dubbing