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My future boyfriend [filmTV] (2011)

Original title: my future boyfriend
Production: USA|73 min| tv movie
Science fiction, Comedy, Romantic
Poster of movie My future boyfriend [filmTV]
an archaeologist from 1000 years in the future uncovers a romance novel written in our time. curious, he journeys back to find out about this thing called "love" from the novel's author.


Michael LangeMichael Langeregista

Production and Screenplay

James Orrproduttore esecutivo
James Orrsceneggiatore
James Orrscrittore
Jim Cruickshanksceneggiatore
Jim Cruickshankscrittore
Rob Leeproduttore esecutivo
Craig Mcneilproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Barry WatsonBarry Watson(età:37)
Fred WillardFred Willard(età:72)
Sara RueSara Rue(età:32)
(Elizabeth Barrett)
Jordan Wall
(theo nyborg)
Valerie HarperValerie Harper(età:71)
(bobbi moreau)
Mike PniewskiMike Pniewski(età:50)
(ozwald shrike)
Justin Smith (attore)(età:31)
(richard babcock)
A. Ali flores
(stuart pang)
Justin Smith (attore)(età:31)
(justin smith)
Ritchie Montgomery
(antoine lemieux)
Tj Hassan(età:30)
(fred smatters)
Jay Gates
(special agent bennett)
ed fleckner
Steve Warren(età:69)
Neill Calabro(età:51)
ManJosiah Lyricq(età:20)
Justin Smith(età:31)

Technical staff

Angela TerryAngela Terrycasting
Mark Irwindirettore della fotografia
Mark Fincannoncasting
Duane Saylortruccatore
Frank Gallinearredatore
Richard Boggsparrucchiere
Mark Hofelingscenografo
Leigh Ann yandletruccatore
Sheila Trujillotruccatore
Jennifer Santiagoparrucchiere
Susan Kobatamontatore