Database of cinema, music, history and literature

My Little Princess (2011)

Original title: my little princess
Production: France|105 min
Poster of movie My Little Princess
when hanah re-emerges in the life of her pre-pubescent daughter, she comes with a strange, yet attractive proposition: she needs her own girl to pose for her in ways that would later take by surprise the parisian art world of the 1970s.

Festivals and awards


Eva IonescoEva Ionescoregista

Production and Screenplay

Eva IonescoEva Ionescosceneggiatore
Eva IonescoEva Ionescoscrittore
Marc Cholodenkosceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

Denis LavantDenis Lavant(età:50)
Nicolas MauryNicolas Maury(età:31)
Serge BozonSerge Bozon(età:39)

Technical staff

Jeanne LapoirieJeanne Lapoiriedirettore della fotografia
Tibor Doraarredatore
Thi-loan Nguyentruccatore
Laurence Briaudmontatore
Catherine Babacostumista
Isabelle Ungarocasting
Magali Ohlmanntruccatore
Anne Moralistruccatore
Dorota Okuliczarredatore
Frédéric Souquetparrucchiere
Rista Dimovitchtruccatore
Jean-claude Lebeauparrucchiere