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My Name Is Khan (2010)

Original title: my name is khan
Production: USA|165 min
Dramatic, Romantic, Psychological
Poster of movie My Name Is Khan
an indian muslim man with asperger's syndrome takes a challenge to speak to the president of the united states seriously and embarks on a cross-country journey.


Karan JoharKaran Joharregista

Production and Screenplay

Shibani Bathijasceneggiatore
Shibani Bathijadialoghi
Prashant Shahproduttore
Hiroo Joharproduttore
Gauri Khanproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Sugandha Garg(età:33)
razia khan
Zarina Wahab(età:51)
rizwan khan (da bambino)
Tanay ChhedaTanay Chheda(età:14)
zakir khan
haseena khan
Sonya Jehan(età:67)
bobby ahuja
Parvin DabasParvin Dabas(età:36)
raj burman
Arjun MathurArjun Mathur(età:29)
Barack Obama
reese garrick
Kenton DutyKenton Duty(età:15)
rizwan khan
mandira khan
reese garrick (da piccolo)
ispettore garcia
master wadia
dott. faisal rahman
Arif ZakariaArif Zakaria(età:44)
sarah garrick
sandip chotala
mark garrick
Dominic Renda(età:46)
Vinay PathakVinay Pathak(età:42)
Mary GregoryMary Gregory(età:83)
Greg CollinsGreg Collins(età:58)
Paul Meyer(età:40)
Jim Gaines(età:55)
Shane HarperShane Harper(età:17)
Douglas TaitDouglas Tait(età:32)
Mel Fair(età:46)
Waymond Lee(età:58)
Reed Rudy(età:46)
Jeff RedlickJeff Redlick(età:62)
Adarsh Gourav(età:16)
Jesse Muick(età:23)
Martin Andris(età:33)
Fred Fein(età:50)
Steven Lindo(età:36)

Technical staff

Donna Mosleymusiche
Robin Slatertruccatore
Ravi K. chandrandirettore della fotografia
Deepa Bhatiamontatore
Priya Ahluwaliascenografo
Priya Ahluwaliaarredatore
Manjari Ehrlichmantruccatore
Rory Leeparrucchiere
Jp Gutierrezscenografo

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2010)