Database of cinema, music, history and literature

my super ex-girlfriend (2006)

Original title: my super ex-girlfriend
Production: USA|95 min
Science fiction, Comedy, Fantasy
Poster of movie my super ex-girlfriend


Ivan ReitmanIvan Reitmanregista

Characters and Interpreters

matt saunders
Luke WilsonLuke Wilson(età:35)
jenny johnson / g-girl
Uma ThurmanUma Thurman(età:36)
hannah lewis
Anna FarisAnna Faris(età:30)
vaughn haige
Rainn WilsonRainn Wilson(età:40)
professor bedlam / barry
Eddie IzzardEddie Izzard(età:44)
carla dunkirk
Wanda SykesWanda Sykes(età:42)
steve velard
barista formosa
reporter TV
jenny da giovane
Tara ThompsonTara Thompson(età:18)
barry da giovane
poliziotto al garage
professore bedlam / barry
leo / poliziotto al garage
Lou Bonacki(età:63)

Technical staff

Sheldon Kahnmontatore
Don Burgessdirettore della fotografia
Shelton Kahnmontatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2006)