Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Mystic River (2003)

Original title: mystic river
137 min
Poster of movie Mystic River
jimmy markum, dave boyle and sean devine grew up together in a working-class neighborhood in boston, spending time playing baseball on the street, like so many other east buckingham kids. life went on quietly, until dave was involved in something horrible that would forever change their destiny. twenty-five years later the three find themselves united by another terrible event, the murder of jimmy's nineteen-year-old daughter. the case is assigned to sean, who has since become a policeman, and to his partner and the two must manage to get there before jimmy, a man devoured by the anxiety of finding his daughter's killer. linked to crime by a series of circumstances, dave is forced to confront the demons of his past, who threaten to destroy his marriage and any hope of having a future. as the investigations close around the three friends, we discover a disturbing story of friendship, family relationships and innocence lost too soon.

Festivals and awards


Clint EastwoodClint Eastwoodregista

Production and Screenplay

Clint EastwoodClint Eastwoodproduttore
Brian HelgelandBrian Helgelandsceneggiatore
Bruce Bermanproduttore esecutivo
Judie G.hoytproduttore
Robert LorenzRobert Lorenzproduttore
Judie Hoytproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Celeste Boyle
Dave Boyle
Jimmy Markum
Sean Devine
padre di jimmy
annabeth markum
brendan harris
katie markum
kevin savage
nick savage
sergente whitey powers
sig. loonie
val savage
dave da bambino
tenente friel
signora prior
padre di sean
john o'shea
sean da bambino
jimmy da bambino
Eli WallachEli Wallach(età:88)
Kevin BaconKevin Bacon(età:45)
Sean PennSean Penn(età:43)
Tim RobbinsTim Robbins(età:45)
Laura LinneyLaura Linney(età:39)
Kevin ConwayKevin Conway(età:61)
Tom GuiryTom Guiry(età:22)
John DomanJohn Doman(età:58)
Kyle EastwoodKyle Eastwood(età:35)
Ken Cheeseman(età:49)
Susan Willis(età:78)
Jenny O'HaraJenny O'Hara(età:61)
Emmy RossumEmmy Rossum(età:17)
Connor PaoloConnor Paolo(età:13)
Kevin ChapmanKevin Chapman(età:41)
Cayden BoydCayden Boyd(età:9)
Ari GraynorAri Graynor(età:20)
Joe Stapleton(età:40)
Will LymanWill Lyman(età:55)
Jonathan TogoJonathan Togo(età:26)
Scott Winters(età:44)
Bates Wilder(età:42)
Patrick Ryan(età:122)
Shawn Fogarty(età:41)
Paul Bronk(età:42)
Victor Warren(età:43)
Cameron Bowen(età:15)
Jim Smith(età:63)
Patrick Shea(età:57)
Jon Joyce(età:56)
Greg Stechman(età:24)
Marc Vos(età:31)

Technical staff

Clint EastwoodClint Eastwoodmusiche
Tom SternTom Sterndirettore della fotografia
Lennie NiehausLennie Niehausmusiche
Joel Coxmontatore
Henry BumsteadHenry Bumsteadscenografo
Kyle EastwoodKyle Eastwoodmusiche
Phyllis Huffmancasting
Deborah Hoppercostumista
Tom II Sterndirettore della fotografia
Jack G. taylor jr.scenografo
Richard C. Goddardscenografo
Richard C. Goddardarredatore
Jerry Decarloparrucchiere
Juliet Lovelandtruccatore
Tania Mccomastruccatore
Carol A. O'Connellparrucchiere
Mary Ellen jamestruccatore

Voices and Dubbing