Database of cinema, music, history and literature

never let me go (2010)

Original title: never let me go
Production: UK, USA|103 min
Science fiction, Dramatic
Poster of movie never let me go

Festivals and awards


Mark RomanekMark Romanekregista

Production and Screenplay

Alex GarlandAlex Garlandproduttore
Alex GarlandAlex Garlandsceneggiatore
Mark RomanekMark Romanekproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Carey MulliganCarey Mulligan(età:25)
Andrew GarfieldAndrew Garfield(età:27)
Keira KnightleyKeira Knightley(età:25)
Sally HawkinsSally Hawkins(età:34)
(miss Lucy)
Charlotte RamplingCharlotte Rampling(età:65)
(miss emily)
Andrea RiseboroughAndrea Riseborough(età:29)
Domhnall GleesonDomhnall Gleeson(età:27)
Nathalie RichardNathalie Richard(età:47)
Isobel Meikle-small
(kathy da bambina)
Ella PurnellElla Purnell(età:14)
(ruth da bambina)
Charlie RoweCharlie Rowe(età:14)
(tommy da bambino)
Damien ThomasDamien Thomas(età:68)
Lydia WilsonLydia Wilson(età:26)

Technical staff

Rachel PortmanRachel Portmanmusiche
Adam Kimmeldirettore della fotografia
Mark Digbyscenografo
Barney Pillingmontatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2010)