Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Next Stop, Greenwich Village (1976)

Original title: next stop, greenwich village
111 min
Poster of movie Next Stop, Greenwich Village
the ups and downs of life as experienced by a group of aspiring young artists in the early fifties new york.

Festivals and awards


Paul MazurskyPaul Mazurskyregista

Production and Screenplay

Paul MazurskyPaul Mazurskyproduttore
Paul MazurskyPaul Mazurskysceneggiatore
Paul MazurskyPaul Mazurskyscrittore
Anthony Rayproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

larry lapinsky
faye lapinsky
sarah roth
anita cunningham
robert fulmer
bernstein chandler
Bill MurrayBill Murray(età:26)
Jeff GoldblumJeff Goldblum(età:24)
Joe SpinellJoe Spinell(età:40)
Lois SmithLois Smith(età:46)
Paul MazurskyPaul Mazursky(età:46)
Stuart PankinStuart Pankin(età:30)
Rutanya AldaRutanya Alda(età:34)
Ellen GreeneEllen Greene(età:25)
Lou JacobiLou Jacobi(età:63)
Mike KellinMike Kellin(età:54)
Dori BrennerDori Brenner(età:30)
Sol Frieder(età:57)
Milton FromeMilton Frome(età:67)
Denise Galik(età:26)
Lenny Baker(età:31)
Joe Madden(età:84)
Michael Egan(età:50)
Ray Gill(età:26)
Kandice Stroh(età:28)

Technical staff

Bill ContiBill Contimusiche
Richard Halseymontatore
Albert WolskyAlbert Wolskycostumista
Philip Rosenbergscenografo
Juliet Taylorcasting
Edward Stewartarredatore
Arthur J. ornitzdirettore della fotografia
William A. Farleyparrucchiere
Robert Jirastruccatore

Voices and Dubbing