Database of cinema, music, history and literature

It Snows in Benidorm (2020)

Original title: nieva en benidorm
117 min
Poster of movie It Snows in Benidorm
peter has worked all his life at a manchester bank. when he is awarded an early retirement, he decides to visit his brother in benidorm, only to discover that he's disappeared.

Festivals and awards


Isabel CoixetIsabel Coixetregista

Production and Screenplay

Isabel CoixetIsabel Coixetsceneggiatore
Isabel CoixetIsabel Coixetscrittore
Pedro AlmodovarPedro Almodovarproduttore
Esther GarciaEsther Garciaproduttore
Agustin AlmodovarAgustin Almodovarproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Timothy SpallTimothy Spall(età:63)
Ana TorrentAna Torrent(età:54)
Carmen MachiCarmen Machi(età:57)
Miguel Such(età:48)

Technical staff

Jean-claude Larrieudirettore della fotografia
Sara Bilbatuacasting
Sylvie Imberttruccatore
Uxua Castellóscenografo
Toni Novelladirettore di produzione
Jordi Azateguimontatore
Ignasi Ruizparrucchiere