Database of cinema, music, history and literature

It Snows in Benidorm (2020)

Original title: nieva en benidorm
Production: UK, Spain|117 min
Action, Thriller, Romantic
Poster of movie It Snows in Benidorm
peter has worked all his life at a manchester bank. when he is awarded an early retirement, he decides to visit his brother in benidorm, only to discover that he's disappeared.

Festivals and awards

Goya 2021 - nomination Mejor dirección
Assigned to: Isabel Coixet


Isabel CoixetIsabel Coixetregista

Production and Screenplay

Isabel CoixetIsabel Coixetsceneggiatore
Isabel CoixetIsabel Coixetscrittore
Pedro AlmodovarPedro Almodovarproduttore
Esther GarciaEsther Garciaproduttore
Agustin AlmodovarAgustin Almodovarproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Timothy SpallTimothy Spall(età:63)
Ana TorrentAna Torrent(età:54)
Carmen MachiCarmen Machi(età:57)
Miguel Such(età:48)

Technical staff

Jean-claude Larrieudirettore della fotografia
Sara Bilbatuacasting
Sylvie Imberttruccatore
Uxua Castellóscenografo
Toni Novelladirettore di produzione
Jordi Azateguimontatore
Ignasi Ruizparrucchiere