Database of cinema, music, history and literature

No culpes al karma de lo que te pasa por gilipollas (2016)

Original title: no culpes al karma de lo que te pasa por gilipollas
Production: UK, Spain|98 min
Poster of movie No culpes al karma de lo que te pasa por gilipollas
the lifes of a madrid-based feather-fashion designer and her whole family's completely tumbles after the appearance of a musician long-lost highschool crush who is involved with her model sister.

Festivals and awards


Maria Ripollregista

Production and Screenplay

Francisco Ramosproduttore
Breixo Corralsceneggiatore
Carlos Monterosceneggiatore
Cruz Rodríguezproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Jordi SanchezJordi Sanchez(età:52)
Alba Galocha(età:26)
Denisse Peña(età:17)
Álex GarcíaÁlex García(età:35)

Technical staff

Pau Castejón Ubedadirettore della fotografia
Eli Adánezparrucchiere
Cristina RodríguezCristina Rodríguezcostumista
Simon Smithmusiche
Eva LeiraEva Leiracasting
Yolanda SerranoYolanda Serranocasting
Lucho Sorianoparrucchiere
Paula Cruzparrucchiere
Mariana Puigparrucchiere
Erika Garcíatruccatore
Elvira Garcíatruccatore
Rebeca Domingotruccatore