Database of cinema, music, history and literature

no highway in the sky (1951)

Original title: no highway
Production: USA|98 min| black and white|
Dramatic, Action, Romantic


Henry KosterHenry Kosterregista

Production and Screenplay

Henry KosterHenry Kostersceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

theodore honey
James StewartJames Stewart(età:43)
monica teasdale
marjorie corder
Glynis JohnsGlynis Johns(età:28)
dennis scott
ManJack Hawkins(età:41)
elspeth honey
shirley scott
passeggera sull'aereo
Bessie LoveBessie Love(età:53)
cyril smith
Kenneth MoreKenneth More(età:37)
Felix AylmerFelix Aylmer(età:62)

Technical staff

Malcolm ArnoldMalcolm Arnoldmusiche
Manuel Del campomontatore
Georges Perinaldirettore della fotografia

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1951)