Database of cinema, music, history and literature

non-stop (2014)

Original title: non-stop
Production: USA|106 min
Thriller, Action
Poster of movie non-stop


Production and Screenplay

Christopher Roachsceneggiatore
John W. richardsonsceneggiatore
Ryan Englesceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Liam NeesonLiam Neeson(età:62)
(william "bill" marks)
Julianne MooreJulianne Moore(età:53)
(jen summers)
Scoot McNairyScoot McNairy(età:37)
(tom bowen)
Michelle DockeryMichelle Dockery(età:33)
(nancy hoffman)
Nate ParkerNate Parker(età:35)
(zack white)
Corey StollCorey Stoll(età:38)
(austin reilly)
Lupita Nyong'oLupita Nyong'o(età:31)
(gwen lloyd)
Omar MetwallyOmar Metwally(età:40)
(dott. fahim nasir)
Jason Butler HarnerJason Butler Harner(età:44)
(kyle rice)
Linus RoacheLinus Roache(età:50)
(capitano david mcmillan)
Shea WhighamShea Whigham(età:45)
(agente marenick)
Anson MountAnson Mount(età:41)
(Jack Hammond)
Corey HawkinsCorey Hawkins(età:26)
(travis mitchell)
Frank Deal(età:56)
(charles wheeler)
Bar PalyBar Paly(età:29)
(iris marianne)

Technical staff

John OttmanJohn Ottmanmusiche
Flavio Martinez labianodirettore della fotografia
Jim Maymontatore
Alec Hammondscenografo

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2014)