Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Don't Move (2004)

Original title: non ti muovere
Production: UK, Italy, Spain|125 min
Dramatic, Romantic
Poster of movie Don't Move
a rainy day, an unfulfilled stop, a fifteen-year-old girl who brakes, slips and falls off her scooter. an ambulance ride to the hospital. the same in which the father works as a surgeon. while a colleague operates his daughter, timothy waits. in the terror of the extreme event, he says, he casts his mask of firmness and cynicism, of a model father and husband, to reveal a strangled and violent image of himself. in the hope of being able to trade words with the silence of coma, death with life, he reveals, in an imaginary dialogue with his daughter, a painful secret: the story, with a squalid appearance, of a powerful and visceral extramarital love. and here appears a red-hot summer of many years before, a squalid urban suburb, a docile and derelict woman, with a disproportionate name, italy.

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject


Production and Screenplay

Sergio CastellittoSergio Castellittosceneggiatore
Margaret MazzantiniMargaret Mazzantinisceneggiatore
Riccardo Tozziproduttore
Giovannella Zannoniproduttore
Marco Chimenzproduttore
Francisco Ramosproduttore
Giovanni Stabiliniproduttore
Giampaolo Lettaproduttore
Jeanna Polleyproduttore
Jenny Edwardsproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Paola CerimelePaola Cerimele
Gianni Musy GloriGianni Musy Glori(età:73)
(padre di elsa)
Sergio CastellittoSergio Castellitto(età:49)
Claudia GeriniClaudia Gerini(età:33)
Angela FinocchiaroAngela Finocchiaro(età:49)
Marco GialliniMarco Giallini(età:41)
Elena PerinoElena Perino(età:19)
Vittoria PiancastelliVittoria Piancastelli(età:42)
Lina Bernardi(età:66)
(Nora, madre di Elsa)
Gianni Musy GloriGianni Musy Glori(età:73)
(Duilio, padre di Elsa)
Renato MarchettiRenato Marchetti
(Pino, il barista)
Penelope CruzPenelope Cruz(età:30)
Marit NissenMarit Nissen(età:38)

Technical staff

Patrizio Maronemontatore
Francesco FrigeriFrancesco Frigeriscenografo
Gian Filippo CorticelliGian Filippo Corticellidirettore della fotografia
Isabella Rizzacostumista
Mario Iaquonefonico
Maurizio SilviMaurizio Silvitruccatore
Luigi RocchettiLuigi Rocchettitruccatore
Lucio Godoymusiche
Francesco Narditruccatore
Whitney Jamestruccatore
Alessio Pompeiparrucchiere
Zaira de Vincentiiscostumista