Database of cinema, music, history and literature

notes on a scandal (2006)

Original title: notes on a scandal
Production: UK|92 min
Dramatic, Thriller, Crime
Poster of movie notes on a scandal
a veteran high school teacher befriends a younger art teacher, who is having an affair with one of her 15-year-old students. however, her intentions with this new "friend" also go well beyond platonic friendship.

Festivals and awards

Oscar 2007 - nomination miglior attrice
Assigned to: Judi Dench

Origin of the subject


Richard EyreRichard Eyreregista

Production and Screenplay

Redmond Morrisproduttore esecutivo
Scott RudinScott Rudinproduttore
Robert Foxproduttore
Patrick MarberPatrick Marbersceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

Phil DavisPhil Davis(età:53)
Barbara Covett
Judi DenchJudi Dench(età:72)
Sheba Hart
Ted Mawson
Tom GeorgesonTom Georgeson(età:69)
Sandy Pabblem
Sue Hodge
Polly Hart
Juno TempleJuno Temple(età:17)
Bill Rumer
Shaun ParkesShaun Parkes(età:33)
Steven Connelly
Richard Hart
Bill NighyBill Nighy(età:57)
Tameka Empson(età:29)
Max Lewis(età:13)
Emma Kennedy(età:39)

Technical staff

Philip GlassPhilip Glassmusiche
Chris MengesChris Mengesdirettore della fotografia
Lisa Westcottparrucchiere
Mark Raggettscenografo
Caroline Smitharredatore
Shaheen Baigcasting
Tim Hatleycostumista
Tim Hatleyscenografo
Hannah Moseleyscenografo
Grant Armstrongscenografo
Rebecca Laffordtruccatore
Helen Johnsonparrucchiere
Jayne Buxtonparrucchiere
Nadia Staceytruccatore
Maralyn Shermanparrucchiere
Maggie Lunncasting
Eammon Hughesparrucchiere

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2006)