Database of cinema, music, history and literature

nothing but the night (1972)

Original title: nothing but the night
Production: UK|90 min|
Thriller, Horror, Fantasy


Peter Sasdyregista

Production and Screenplay

Christopher LeeChristopher Leeproduttore
Brian Haylessceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

col. charles bingham
sir mark ashley
Peter CushingPeter Cushing(età:59)
anna harb
Diana DorsDiana Dors(età:41)
joan foster
Georgia BrownGeorgia Brown(età:39)
dr. haynes
Keith Barron(età:38)
mary valley
mrs. alison
Fulton MackayFulton Mackay(età:50)

Technical staff

Keith Palmermontatore
Kenneth Talbotdirettore della fotografia