Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Notre musique (2004)

Original title: notre musique
Production: France|80 min
Poster of movie Notre musique
an indictment of modern times divided into three "kingdoms": "enfer" ("hell"), "purgatoire" ("purgatory") and "paradis" ("paradise").

Festivals and awards


Jean-Luc GodardJean-Luc Godardregista

Production and Screenplay

Alain SardeAlain Sardeproduttore
Ruth Waldburgerproduttore
Jean-Luc GodardJean-Luc Godardsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Sarah Adler(età:26)
Simon Eine(età:68)
Nade Dieu(età:31)
Alena Dzebo(età:26)

Technical staff

Julien Hirschdirettore della fotografia
Jean-Luc GodardJean-Luc Godardmontatore