Database of cinema, music, history and literature

notte d'estate in città (1990)

Original title: nuit d'eté en ville
Production: France, UK|85 min
Dramatic, Comedy, Romantic
Poster of movie notte d'estate in città
the whole life in one night. a young couple plays nearly any role of possible lifetime relationships.


Michel DevilleMichel Devilleregista

Production and Screenplay

Rosalinde Devilleproduttore
Rosalinde Devillesceneggiatore
Rosalinde Devillescrittore

Interpreters and Characters

Technical staff

Bernard LuticBernard Luticdirettore della fotografia
Laurence Azouvytruccatore
Cécile Balmecostumista
Raymonde Guyotmontatore
Thierry Leproustscenografo

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1990)