Database of cinema, music, history and literature

obsessed (2009)

Original title: obsessed
Production: USA|108 min
Thriller, Dramatic
Poster of movie obsessed
a successful asset manager, who has just received a huge promotion, is blissfully happy in his career and in his marriage. but when a temp worker starts stalking him, all the things he's worked so hard for are placed in jeopardy.

Festivals and awards

Razzie 2010 - nomination Worst Actress
Assigned to: Beyoncé


Steve Shillregista

Production and Screenplay

David Lougheryproduttore esecutivo
David Lougherysceneggiatore
David Lougheryscrittore
Magic JohnsonMagic Johnsonproduttore
Glenn S.gainorproduttore esecutivo
Damon Leeproduttore esecutivo
Will Packerproduttore
George Flynnproduttore
Nicolas Sternproduttore
Jeffrey Graupproduttore
Michael Sterlingproduttore esecutivo
Mathew Knowlesproduttore esecutivo

Interpreters and Characters

Jerry O'connellJerry O'connell(età:35)
Scout Taylor-comptonScout Taylor-compton(età:20)
Idris ElbaIdris Elba(età:37)
(derek charles)
(sharon charles)
Ali LarterAli Larter(età:33)
(lisa sheridan)
Christine LahtiChristine Lahti(età:59)
(det. monica reese)
Bruce McGillBruce McGill(età:59)
(joe gage)
Ron RoggeRon Rogge(età:41)

Technical staff

Paul Seydormontatore
Martin Samuelparrucchiere
Dena Rotharredatore
Ken Sengdirettore della fotografia
Maya Liebermancostumista
Jon Gary steelescenografo
Chris Cornwellscenografo
Janeen Schreyertruccatore
Jim Dooleymusiche
Patricia Androfftruccatore
Erwin h. KupitzErwin h. Kupitztruccatore
Colleen Labaffparrucchiere
Kimberly Kimbleparrucchiere
Francesca Tolottruccatore
Ron Digmancasting

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2009)

Music tracks of the soundtrack