Database of cinema, music, history and literature

oklahoma crude (1973)

Original title: oklahoma crude
Production: USA|108 min
Dramatic, Western, Comedy
Poster of movie oklahoma crude
in 1913, in oklahoma, oil derrick owner lena doyle (faye dunaway), aided by her father (sir john mills) and a hobo (george c. scott), is stubbornly drilling for oil despite the pressure from major oil companies to sell her land.

Festivals and awards


Stanley KramerStanley Kramerregista

Production and Screenplay

Stanley KramerStanley Kramerproduttore
Marc Normansceneggiatore
Marc Normanscrittore
Ivan Volkmanproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

noble mason
lena doyle
Faye DunawayFaye Dunaway(età:32)
cleon doyle
John MillsJohn Mills(età:65)
Jack PalanceJack Palance(età:54)
Ted GehringTed Gehring(età:44)
Cliff Osmond(età:36)
Hal SmithHal Smith(età:57)
Rafael Campos(età:37)
John DierkesJohn Dierkes(età:68)
Harvey Jason(età:33)
John Hudkins(età:55)
Karl LukasKarl Lukas(età:54)
Bob HerronBob Herron(età:49)
James Jeter(età:52)
Larry D. MannLarry D. Mann(età:51)
Harvey Parry(età:73)
Jim Burk(età:41)
Billy Varga(età:54)
Henry WillsHenry Wills(età:52)

Technical staff

Henry ManciniHenry Mancinimusiche
Robert SurteesRobert Surteesdirettore della fotografia
Bill ThomasBill Thomascostumista
Folmar Blangstedmontatore
Alfred Sweeneyscenografo
Morris Hoffmanscenografo
Morris Hoffmanarredatore