Database of cinema, music, history and literature

oliver and company (1988)

Original title: oliver and company
Production: USA|74 min
Comedy, Animation, Musical
Poster of movie oliver and company
a lost and alone kitten joins a gang of dogs engaged in petty larceny in new york city.
This movie is episode 27 of the series classici disney(disney classics) composed by:

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject


George Scribnerregista

Production and Screenplay

Mike GabrielMike Gabrielsceneggiatore
Mike GabrielMike Gabrielscrittore
Roger Allerssceneggiatore
Roger Allersscrittore
Gary Trousdalesceneggiatore
Gary Trousdalescrittore
Kirk Wisesceneggiatore
Kirk Wisescrittore
Gerrit GrahamGerrit Grahamscrittore
Jim Mitchellsceneggiatore
Jim Mitchellscrittore
Peter Youngscrittore
James MangoldJames Mangoldsceneggiatore
Danny MannDanny Mannscrittore
Dave Michenersceneggiatore
Kevin Limasceneggiatore
Kevin Limascrittore
Vance Gerrysceneggiatore
Vance Gerryscrittore
Joe RanftJoe Ranftsceneggiatore
Joe RanftJoe Ranftscrittore
Jim Coxsceneggiatore
Chris Baileysceneggiatore
Chris Baileyscrittore
Leon Joosensceneggiatore
Leon Joosenscrittore
Michael Cedenosceneggiatore
Michael Cedenoscrittore
Pete Youngsceneggiatore
Timothy J. disneysceneggiatore
Steve Hulettscrittore
Bill Bergscrittore
David Michenerscrittore
Chris Hubbellscrittore
Tim Disneysceneggiatore
Sam Grahamscrittore

Characters and Interpreters

jenny (dialoghi)
jenny (canto)
rita (dialoghi)
rita (canto)
carlo / louie the sausage vendor / animal sounds
vecchio louie
additional voice
dodger (dialoghi)
dodger (canto)
georgette (dialoghi)
georgette (canto)

Technical staff

J.a.c. Redfordmusiche
Mark A. hestermontatore
James Meltonmontatore
Dan Hansenscenografo
Jim Meltonmontatore
Susan Edelmancasting
Mary v. Buckcasting

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1988)

Carlo RealiCarlo Reali Voice of Winston
Glauco OnoratoGlauco Onorato Voice of Sykes
Simona PatitucciSimona Patitucci Voice of rita (canto)
Gil BaroniGil Baroni Voice of Francis
Gigi AngelilloGigi Angelillo Voice of Fagin
Francesco VendittiFrancesco Venditti Voice of Oliver
Vittorio AmandolaVittorio Amandola Voice of vecchio louie
Piero TiberiPiero Tiberi Voice of Roscoe
Germana DominiciGermana Dominici Voice of georgette (dialoghi)
Mario BardellaMario Bardella Voice of Einstein
Myriam CataniaMyriam Catania Voice of Jenny
Claudio SorrentinoClaudio Sorrentino Voice of dodger (dialoghi)
Massimo RinaldiMassimo Rinaldi Voice of desoto
Maria Cristina brancucciMaria Cristina brancucci Voice of georgette (canto)
Manuela AndreiManuela Andrei Voice of rita (dialoghi)
Teo BelliaTeo Bellia Voice of Tito
ErmaviloErmavilo Voice of dodger (canto)

Version Originale(1988)

William Glover Voice of Winston
Robert LoggiaRobert Loggia Voice of Sykes
Sheryl Lee RalphSheryl Lee Ralph Voice of rita (dialoghi)
Cheech MarinCheech Marin Voice of Tito
Dom DeluiseDom Deluise Voice of Fagin
Taurean BlacqueTaurean Blacque Voice of Roscoe
Ruth Pointer Voice of rita (canto)
Roscoe Lee BrowneRoscoe Lee Browne Voice of Francis
Natalie GregoryNatalie Gregory Voice of jenny (dialoghi)
Joey LawrenceJoey Lawrence Voice of Oliver
Carl WeintraubCarl Weintraub Voice of desoto
Bette MidlerBette Midler Voice of Georgette
Richard MulliganRichard Mulligan Voice of Einstein
Myhnah Tran Voice of jenny (canto)
Billy JoelBilly Joel Voice of dodger