Database of cinema, music, history and literature

On a Magical Night (2019)

Original title: chambre 212
Production: Belgium, France|86 min
Poster of movie On a Magical Night
after 20 years of marriage, maria decides to leave. she moves to the room 212 of the hotel opposite her marital home. from there, maria can scrutinize her apartment, her husband, her wedding. she wonders if she has made the right decision.

Festivals and awards


Production and Screenplay

Philippe Martinproduttore
Christophe HonoréChristophe Honorésceneggiatore
Genevieve Lemalproduttore
David Thionproduttore
Lilian Echeproduttore
Christel Henonproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

madre di Maria
maria mortemart
richard warrimer
irène haffner (40 anni)
irène haffner (60 anni)
la volontà

Technical staff

Olivier Beriotcostumista
Rémy ChevrinRémy Chevrindirettore della fotografia
Jane Milonparrucchiere
Fabienne Adamtruccatore