Database of cinema, music, history and literature

on valentine's day (1986)

Original title: on valentine's day
106 min
Poster of movie on valentine's day
on valentine's day is the central film in horton foote's semi-autobiographical trilogy that also includes courtship and 1918. it is a nearly verbatim retelling of his stage play and the sets and costumes.

Festivals and awards


Ken Harrisonregista

Production and Screenplay

Horton FooteHorton Footesceneggiatore
Peter Newmanproduttore esecutivo
Lewis M.allenproduttore esecutivo
Calvin Skaggsproduttore
Carl Cliffordproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Steven HillSteven Hill(età:64)
Tim Green(età:47)
Hallie Foote(età:36)
Bill Mcghee(età:56)
Irma P. HallIrma P. Hall(età:51)
Jack Gould(età:57)
Ed Holmes(età:67)

Technical staff

Howard Cummingsscenografo
Nancy Bakermontatore
George Tirldirettore della fotografia