Database of cinema, music, history and literature

una volta non basta (1975)

Original title: once is not enough
Production: USA|121 min
Dramatic, Romantic
Poster of movie una volta non basta
a young woman goes home to new york after a long stay in europe. her former schoolmate introduces her to the decadence of new york and she ultimately falls in love with an older man who's a stand-in for her father, before tragedy strikes.

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject


Guy GreenGuy Greenregista

Production and Screenplay

Julius J. EpsteinJulius J. Epsteinsceneggiatore
Howard W. KochHoward W. Kochproduttore
Irving Mansfieldproduttore esecutivo

Interpreters and Characters

Kirk DouglasKirk Douglas(età:59)
(mike wayne)
Deborah RaffinDeborah Raffin(età:22)
(january wayne)
Alexis SmithAlexis Smith(età:54)
(deidre milford granger)
David JanssenDavid Janssen(età:44)
(tom colt)
George HamiltonGeorge Hamilton(età:36)
(david milford)
Melina MerkouriMelina Merkouri(età:55)
Brenda VaccaroBrenda Vaccaro(età:36)
(linda riggs)
Gary ConwayGary Conway(età:39)
Phil FosterPhil Foster(età:62)
Renata Vanni(età:66)
Leonard SachsLeonard Sachs(età:66)
Jim Boles(età:61)
Sig FrohlichSig Frohlich(età:65)
Eddie GarrettEddie Garrett(età:48)
Mark RobertsMark Roberts(età:54)
John Roper(età:30)

Technical staff

Henry ManciniHenry Mancinimusiche
Moss MabryMoss Mabrycostumista
John A. Alonzodirettore della fotografia
John Decuirscenografo
Ruby R. LevittRuby R. Levittscenografo
Ruby R. LevittRuby R. Levittarredatore
Lee Harmantruccatore
Rita Rolandmontatore
Vivienne Walkerparrucchiere
Hank Eddstruccatore