Database of cinema, music, history and literature

evil (2003)

Original title: ondskan
Production: Sweden|114 min|
Dramatic, Psychological
Poster of movie evil
stockholm, 1950s. the existence of sixteen-year-old erik is marked by violence and conflict. erik in fact has serious problems with his stepfather, who often puts his hands on him. when he is expelled from the school due to disciplinary problems, he is sent by his mother to the exclusive stjansberg college for the extreme attempt to make a change in his life and to continue his studies. but the college is certainly not a refuge: here the evil is institutionalized, in the form of the authorized oppression of the younger students by the older students.

Festivals and awards


Production and Screenplay

Hans Gunnarssonsceneggiatore
Malte Forsellproduttore
Ingemar Lijonborgproduttore
Hans Lonnerhedenproduttore
Mikael Håfströmsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Andreas Wilson
(Erik Ponti)
Jesper Salén
Henrik LundstromHenrik Lundstrom(età:20)
(Pierre Tanguy)
Henrik LundstromHenrik Lundstrom(età:20)
(Pierre Tanguy)
Lennart Hjulström(età:65)
(preside lindblad)
Gustaf SkarsgårdGustaf Skarsgård(età:23)
(Otto Silverhielm)
Gustaf SkarsgårdGustaf Skarsgård(età:23)
(Otto Silverhielm)
Filip BergFilip Berg(età:17)
Jesper Salen
Fredrik Af trampe
(von schenken)
Marie RichardsonMarie Richardson(età:44)
Kiell Bergqvist
(avvocato ekengren)
Kjell Bergqvist
Martin Svane
Linda ZilliacusLinda Zilliacus(età:26)
Peter EggersPeter Eggers(età:23)
(von rosen)
Per Westergren
Johan Rabaeus(età:56)
(patrigno di erik)
Marie RichardsonMarie Richardson(età:44)
(madre di Erik)
Ulf Friberg
(professore di biologia)

Technical staff

Anna Aspscenografo
Francis Shawmusiche
Peter Mokrosinskidirettore della fotografia
Derek Hodormontatore
Darek Hodormontatore
Karin Fahléntruccatore
Kersti Vitalicostumista

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2003)