Database of cinema, music, history and literature

one missed call 2 (2005)

Original title: chakushin ari 2
Production: Japan
Horror, Dramatic, Thriller
Poster of movie one missed call 2
a japanese restaurant cook/owner dies after answering his daughter's cellphone. other people are getting strange, same ringtone calls as well and dying painfully. it happened in taiwan as well.
This movie is episode 2 of the series chakushin ari composed by:


Production and Screenplay

Akira Yamamotoproduttore
Yasushi Akimotosceneggiatore
Minako Dairasceneggiatore
Daisuke Kadoyaproduttore
Naoki Satôproduttore
Yoichi Arishigeproduttore
Kazuo Kuroiproduttore esecutivo

Characters and Interpreters

Peter Ho(età:30)
naoto sakurai
kyoko okudera
takako nozoe
Asaka Seto(età:29)
madoka harase
chen tamura

Technical staff

Soichi Uenomontatore
Tokusho Kikumuradirettore della fotografia

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2005)