Database of cinema, music, history and literature

original sin (2001)

Original title: original sin
Production: USA|118 min
Thriller, Dramatic, Noir
Poster of movie original sin
gerald etienne is appointed as the new director of a publishing house with a great tradition. his appointment upsets everyone because gerald intends to make radical changes. he is soon found killed in mysterious circumstances.

Origin of the subject


Production and Screenplay

Denise Dinoviproduttore
David HobermanDavid Hobermanproduttore esecutivo
Kate Guinzburgproduttore
Edward L.mcdonnellproduttore
Ashok Amritrajproduttore esecutivo
Michael CristoferMichael Cristofersceneggiatore
Sheldon Abendproduttore esecutivo
Carol Leesproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Luis Antonio Vargas
Joan Pringle(età:56)
alan jordan
Jack ThompsonJack Thompson(età:61)
augusta jordan
colonnello worth
Gregory ItzinGregory Itzin(età:53)
emily russell
faust (sul palcoscenico)
James HavenJames Haven(età:28)
jorge cortés
julia russell/bonnie castle
walter downs/billy/mephisto
Thomas JaneThomas Jane(età:32)

Technical staff

Gloria EstefanGloria Estefanmusiche
David J.bombascenografo
Donna Zakowskacostumista
Rodrigo PrietoRodrigo Prietodirettore della fotografia
Michael CristoferMichael Cristoferscenografo
Eric A. Searsmontatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2001)