Database of cinema, music, history and literature

orizzonte infuocato (1957)

Original title: orizzonte infuocato
Production: Italy|86 min|
the young manuela has her life upset by the relationship with a little good that seduces her, makes her mother and abandons her. she, who for a living becomes a soubrette, marries a sailor who dies in war and finds himself with his daughter seriously ill and ill-viewed by his in-laws. in the end, due to the intervention of our lady of lourdes, the child recovered and her husband, who in reality was not dead, finally returned to her.


Nick NostroNick Nostroaiuto regista

Production and Screenplay

Arnaldo Marrosusceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

Gerard LandryGerard Landry(età:45)
Gianni RizzoGianni Rizzo(età:33)
Tamara LeesTamara Lees(età:31)
Paoletta, bambina di Manuela
padre Gabriele
padre di Manuela
Guido CelanoGuido Celano(età:52)

Technical staff

Ugo Brunellidirettore della fotografia
Angelo Deangelisorganizzatore generale
Piero Viennadirettore di produzione