Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Outlaws of the Desert (1941)

Original title: outlaws of the desert
66 min| black and white
Action, Western, Dramatic
Poster of movie Outlaws of the Desert
This movie is episode 40 of the series Hopalong Cassidy composed by:


Production and Screenplay

Harry Shermanproduttore
J. Benton cheneysceneggiatore
Lewis J. Rachmilproduttore
Bernard Mcconvillesceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

Jamiel Hasson(età:40)
Hopalong Cassidy
Mickey Eissa(età:45)
charles grant
Ted Wells(età:42)
susan grant
Jean Phillips(età:27)
California Carlson
johnny nelson
mrs. jane grant
sheik suleiman
uomo da waukegan
Bill Nestell(età:48)
nicki karitza
Alberto MorinAlberto Morin(età:39)
faran el kader
Jean Del valJean Del val(età:50)
marie karitza
Luli Deste(età:39)
mandriano pete
maggiore crawford
Clem FullerClem Fuller(età:33)
Bhogwan Singh(età:58)
Sol Murgi(età:41)

Technical staff

John LeipoldJohn Leipoldmusiche
Emile KuriEmile Kuriscenografo
Emile KuriEmile Kuriarredatore
ManRalph Bergerscenografo
Carroll Lewismontatore
Earl Mosercostumista