Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Overboard (2018)

Original title: overboard
112 min
leonardo is a selfish and spoiled mexican playboy, as well as one of the richest men in his country. kate, on the other hand, is a single mother with three children and to make ends meet is forced to do the cleaning on leonardo's luxurious yacht. after unfairly dismissing the girl, the playboy exaggerates with the festivities and ends up in the open sea during a night trip, waking up on a oregon beach completely without memory. what better time to take revenge? kate assists him at the hospital and convinces him that he is his wife, forcing him to get to work, for the first time in his life.


Rob Greenbergregista
Bob Fisherregista

Production and Screenplay

Leslie Dixonsceneggiatore
Leslie Dixonscrittore
Eugenio DerbezEugenio Derbezproduttore
Rob Greenbergsceneggiatore
Bob Fisherproduttore
Bob Fishersceneggiatore
Ben Odellproduttore
Brendan Fergusonproduttore esecutivo

Characters and Interpreters

soccer commentator
Swoosie KurtzSwoosie Kurtz(età:74)
Garry ChalkGarry Chalk(età:66)
Anna FarisAnna Faris(età:42)
Mel RodriguezMel Rodriguez(età:45)
Eva LongoriaEva Longoria(età:43)
John HannahJohn Hannah(età:56)
Jesus Ochoa(età:59)
Edgar Vivar(età:74)
Josh SegarraJosh Segarra(età:32)
Omar Chaparro(età:44)
Per Graffman(età:56)
Toby Hargrave(età:44)

Technical staff

Michael Barrettdirettore della fotografia
Deborah AquilaDeborah Aquilacasting
Tricia Woodcasting
Anji Bembenparrucchiere
Brent Thomasscenografo
Lyle Workmanmusiche
Lee Haxallmontatore
Rosalina Da silvatruccatore
Karin Nosellacostumista
Megan Harknesstruccatore
Michael BarrettMichael Barrettdirettore della fotografia
Shannon Groverscenografo
Amber Kemperparrucchiere
Kara Eidecasting
Kris Wozcasting
Zoe Jirikarredatore

Voices and Dubbing