Database of cinema, music, history and literature

pagan love song (1950)

Original title: pagan love song
Production: USA|90 min|
Comedy, Musical


Robert AltonRobert Altonregista

Production and Screenplay

Robert NathanRobert Nathansceneggiatore
ManJerry Davissceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Esther WilliamsEsther Williams(età:29)
(esther williams)
Howard KeelHoward Keel(età:33)
(howard keel)
Minna Gombell(età:58)
(minna gombell)
Charles Mauu
(charles mauu)
Ben Chapman(età:42)
(ben chapman)
Gene CooganGene Coogan(età:41)
(gene coogan)
Carlo Cook
(carlo cook)
Marcelle Corday(età:60)
(marcelle corday)
Birdie De bolt
(birdie de bolt)
Charles Freund
(charles freund)
Arthur FreedArthur Freed(età:56)

Technical staff

Adolph DeutschAdolph Deutschmusiche
Arthur FreedArthur Freedmusiche
Adrienne Fazanmontatore
Charles RosherCharles Rosherdirettore della fotografia
Helen RoseHelen Rosecostumista
Cedric GibbonsCedric Gibbonsscenografo
Harry WarrenHarry Warrenmusiche
Randall DuellRandall Duellscenografo
Conrad Salingermusiche
Edwin B. WillisEdwin B. Willisscenografo
William J. tuttleWilliam J. tuttletruccatore
Jack D. MooreJack D. Moorescenografo

Voices and Dubbing