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Panic (2014)

Original title: panic
Production: UK|85 min
Dramatic, Thriller, Mystery
Poster of movie Panic
a troubled journalist is drawn into london's underworld when his beautiful neighbour is kidnapped.


Sean Spencerregista

Production and Screenplay

Gary OliverGary Oliverproduttore
Sean Spencerscrittore
Nuala O'learyproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

David GyasiDavid Gyasi(età:34)
Jason WongJason Wong(età:28)
Valene Kane(età:27)
Chike Chan(età:40)

Technical staff

Jane Wagnertruccatore
Kate Cogginsmontatore
Harriet Thompsontruccatore
Luke Hullscenografo
Amy Saunderstruccatore