Database of cinema, music, history and literature

paper moon (1973)

Original title: paper moon
Production: USA|102 min| black and white
Comedy, Dramatic
Poster of movie paper moon
during the great depression, a con man finds himself saddled with a young girl who may or may not be his daughter, and the two forge an unlikely partnership.

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject


Production and Screenplay

Frank Marshallproduttore
Peter BogdanovichPeter Bogdanovichproduttore
William FriedkinWilliam Friedkinproduttore
Alvin SargentAlvin Sargentsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Burton GilliamBurton Gilliam(età:35)
Madeline KahnMadeline Kahn(età:31)
(Trixie Delight)
John HillermanJohn Hillerman(età:41)
(sceriffo hardin / jess hardin)
Randy QuaidRandy Quaid(età:23)
Noble WillinghamNoble Willingham(età:42)
(mr. robertson)
sceriffo hardin
Floyd Mahaney(età:47)
Don WilsonDon Wilson(età:73)
Jack BennyJack Benny(età:79)
Hugh GillinHugh Gillin(età:48)
Jim Jordan(età:77)

Technical staff

Verna F.fieldsmontatore
Polly Plattcostumista
Polly Plattscenografo
Les Fresholtztecnico del suono
Richard Portmantecnico del suono
Dorothy Byrneparrucchiere
Verna FieldsVerna Fieldsmontatore
László Kovács (fotografo)László Kovács (fotografo)direttore della fotografia
John P. austinJohn P. austinarredatore
Sandra Stewartcostumista
Rolf Millertruccatore
Gary Chasoncasting

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1973)