Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Paper Tiger (1975)

Original title: paper tiger
Production: UK|99 min
Comedy, Thriller, Action, Dramatic
Poster of movie Paper Tiger
a somewhat prim and proper englishman is hired as the tutor to the son of the japanese ambassador. his life changes when he and the boy are kidnapped by terrorists for political purposes.

Festivals and awards


Ken Annakinregista

Production and Screenplay

Jack Daviessceneggiatore
Jack Daviesscrittore
Euan Lloydproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

mrs. king
mr. king
Jeff CoreyJeff Corey(età:61)
Ronald FraserRonald Fraser(età:45)
maggiore walter bradbury
David NivenDavid Niven(età:65)
günther müller
Hardy KrügerHardy Krüger(età:47)
koichi kagoyama
Irene TsuIrene Tsu(età:30)
mme. kagoyama
Miiko Taka(età:50)
ambassador kagoyama
Carmen MauraCarmen Maura(età:30)
Ivan DesnyIvan Desny(età:53)
Mika Kitagawa(età:27)
Paul Neuhaus(età:37)

Technical staff

Alan Pattillomontatore
ManJohn Cabreradirettore della fotografia
Tony Readingscenografo
Herbert Smithscenografo
Roy BuddRoy Buddmusiche
Peter Scharffscenografo
John Furnisscostumista
Klaus Wintertruccatore
Ursula Borschetruccatore

Voices and Dubbing