Database of cinema, music, history and literature

papy fait de la résistance (1983)

Original title: papy fait de la résistance
Production: France, UK|102 min
Comedy, War
Poster of movie papy fait de la résistance
bourdelle, a family of musicians, refuse to play for germans during the war. they would like to liberate france using all possible means.

Historical episodes of setting


Production and Screenplay

Christian Fechnerproduttore
Christian ClavierChristian Clavierscrittore
Martin LamotteMartin Lamottedialoghi
Martin LamotteMartin Lamottescrittore
Bernard Artiguesproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

rã©citant / narrator
Jean YanneJean Yanne(età:50)
Michel BlancMichel Blanc(età:31)
Roger CarelRoger Carel(età:56)
Jean CarmetJean Carmet(età:63)
Roland Giraud(età:41)
Olivier Hemon(età:33)
Hans Verner(età:59)
Gerard JugnotGerard Jugnot(età:32)
Bruno Moynot(età:33)

Technical staff

Catherine LeterrierCatherine Leterriercostumista
Willy Holtscenografo
Robert Alazrakidirettore della fotografia
Catherine Kelbermontatore
Jean Musymusiche
Paul Le marineltruccatore
Jean-Luc Russiertruccatore
Hertz Nativtruccatore
Jacques Giraudeauparrucchiere

Voices and Dubbing