Database of cinema, music, history and literature

paris at midnight (1926)

Original title: paris at midnight
Production: USA|70 min| |


E. Mason hopperE. Mason hopperregista

Production and Screenplay

Frances MarionFrances Marionsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Jetta Goudal(età:35)
Lionel BarrymoreLionel Barrymore(età:48)
Mary BrianMary Brian(età:20)
(victorine tallefer)
Edmund BurnsEdmund Burns(età:34)
(eugène de rastagnic)
Emile ChautardEmile Chautard(età:62)
(papà goriot)
Brandon HurstBrandon Hurst(età:60)
(conte tarrefer)
Jocelyn Lee
Mathilde Comont(età:40)
(madame vauquer)
Carrie Daumery(età:63)
(mademoiselle miche)
Jean De briac(età:35)
(frederic tallefer)
Charles Requa(età:34)
(maxime de trailers)

Technical staff

Norbert BrodineNorbert Brodinedirettore della fotografia