Database of cinema, music, history and literature

parkland (2013)

Original title: parkland
Production: USA|93 min
Dramatic, Storico, Political
Poster of movie parkland

Festivals and awards

Historical episodes of setting


Peter LandesmanPeter Landesmanregista

Production and Screenplay

Bill PaxtonBill Paxtonproduttore
Tom HanksTom Hanksproduttore
Peter LandesmanPeter Landesmansceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Paul GiamattiPaul Giamatti(età:46)
(abraham zapruder)
Billy Bob ThorntonBilly Bob Thornton(età:58)
(forrest sorrels)
Ron LivingstonRon Livingston(età:46)
(james hosty)
Zac EfronZac Efron(età:26)
(dott. jim carrico)
Marcia Gay HardenMarcia Gay Harden(età:56)
(infermiera doris nelson)
Tom WellingTom Welling(età:36)
(roy kellerman)
James Badge daleJames Badge dale(età:35)
(robert edward lee oswald jr.)
Colin HanksColin Hanks(età:36)
(dott. malcom perry)
Jackie Earle HaleyJackie Earle Haley(età:52)
(padre oscar huber)
Jeremy StrongJeremy Strong(età:35)
(lee harvey oswald)
David HarbourDavid Harbour(età:38)
(james gordon shanklin)
Jacki WeaverJacki Weaver(età:66)
(marguerite oswald)
Mark DuplassMark Duplass(età:37)
(kenneth o'donnell)
Austin NicholsAustin Nichols(età:33)
(emory roberts)
Rory CochraneRory Cochrane(età:41)
(earl rose)
Matt BarrMatt Barr(età:29)
(paul mikkelson)
Bitsie TullochBitsie Tulloch(età:32)
(marilyn sitzman)
Gil BellowsGil Bellows(età:46)
(david powers)
Paul SparksPaul Sparks(età:42)
(harry mccormick)
Bryan BattBryan Batt(età:50)
(malcolm kilduff)
Glenn MorshowerGlenn Morshower(età:54)
(mike howard)
jim carrico
doris nelson

Technical staff

Dylan Tichenormontatore
Barry Ackroyddirettore della fotografia
Leo Trombettamontatore
Bruce Curtisscenografo

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2013)

Andrea MeteAndrea Mete Voice of jim carrico
Liliana SorrentinoLiliana Sorrentino Voice of doris nelson