Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Patients (2017)

Original title: patients
Production: France|110 min
Dramatic, Comedy
Poster of movie Patients
patients is the story of a rebirth, a chaotic journey of victories and defeats, tears and bursts of laughter, but above all encounters: we do not heal alone.

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject


Mehdi Idirregista

Production and Screenplay

Eric Altmayerproduttore
Nicolas Altmayerproduttore
Grand Corps Maladesceneggiatore
Fadette Drouardsceneggiatore
Sidonie Dumasproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Rabah Naït Oufella(età:25)
Côme LevinCôme Levin(età:27)
Yannick RenierYannick Renier(età:42)
Nailia HarzouneNailia Harzoune(età:27)
Soufiane GuerrabSoufiane Guerrab(età:30)
Moussa Mansaly
Alban Ivanov
Pablo Pauly
(benjamin, « ben »)
Horst TappertHorst Tappert(età:94)
Adama Bathily(età:25)

Technical staff

Laure Gardettemontatore
Sylvie OlivéSylvie Olivéscenografo
Antoine Monoddirettore della fotografia
Angelo Foleymusiche
David Bertrandcasting
Claire Lacazecostumista
Diane Duchesnetruccatore