Database of cinema, music, history and literature

patterns (1956)

Original title: patterns
Production: USA|84 min| black and white|
Dramatic, Psychological

Festivals and awards


Fielder Cookregista

Production and Screenplay

Rod SerlingRod Serlingsceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

van heflin
Van HeflinVan Heflin(età:46)
everett sloane
ed begley
Ed BegleyEd Begley(età:55)
beatrice straight
elizabeth wilson
Lauren BacallLauren Bacall(età:32)
Edward BinnsEdward Binns(età:40)
Andrew DugganAndrew Duggan(età:33)
Joanna Roos(età:55)

Technical staff

Carl Lernermusiche
Boris Kaufmandirettore della fotografia
Dave Kumminsmusiche

Voices and Dubbing