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pay it forward (2000)

Original title: pay it forward
Production: USA|123 min
Dramatic, Comedy, Romantic
Poster of movie pay it forward
trevor has a divorced mother, a professor who has lost all desire to feel emotions, and a great spirit of initiative that leads him to devise a chain of saint anthony of solidarity: everyone must help three people solve their problem, and these they will do the same with three others. in addition to assisting a bum and an alcoholic, the child will try to put together his mother and his professor.


Mimi Lederregista

Production and Screenplay

Leslie Dixonsceneggiatore
Peter Abramsproduttore
Robert L.levyproduttore
Steven ReutherSteven Reutherproduttore
Mary Mclaglenproduttore esecutivo
Catherine Ryan hydesceneggiatore
Jonathan Treismanproduttore esecutivo

Characters and Interpreters

Trevor McKinney
eugene simonet
Kevin SpaceyKevin Spacey(età:41)
arlene mckinney
Helen HuntHelen Hunt(età:37)
ricky mckinney
Jon Bon JoviJon Bon Jovi(età:38)
Grace, alcolizzata
David RamseyDavid Ramsey(età:29)
Chris Chandler
Jay MohrJay Mohr(età:30)
Gary Werntz(età:52)
Marc DonatoMarc Donato(età:11)
bullo #3
Zack DuhameZack Duhame(età:13)
Shawn PyfromShawn Pyfrom(età:14)
Tim DeZarnTim DeZarn(età:48)
Tina LiffordTina Lifford(età:46)
Leslie Dilley(età:59)
Colleen FlynnColleen Flynn(età:38)
Bernard WhiteBernard White(età:41)
Molly BernardMolly Bernard(età:12)
Rusty Meyers(età:43)
Liza Snyder(età:32)
Hannah LederHannah Leder(età:14)
Eugene Osment(età:41)
Jeremy DunnJeremy Dunn(età:21)
Lana Kinnear(età:24)
Ryan Keating(età:27)

Technical staff

Thomas NewmanThomas Newmanmusiche
David Rosenbloommontatore
Oliver StapletonOliver Stapletondirettore della fotografia
Leslie Dilleyscenografo
Mark Friedbergscenografo
Matthew W.mungleMatthew W.mungletruccatore
Ronnie Spectertruccatore
Louis Lazzaratruccatore
Peg Cummingsarredatore
Tania Mccomastruccatore
Vivian Mcateertruccatore
Carol A. O'Connellparrucchiere
Ryan Mcdowelltruccatore
Waldo Sanchezparrucchiere
Lawrence a. Hubbsscenografo
Geraldine Ledercasting
Christine Steeletruccatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2000)

Music tracks of the soundtrack