Database of cinema, music, history and literature

people you may know (2017)

Original title: people you may know
Production: USA|92 min
Comedy, Dramatic, Romantic
Poster of movie people you may know
an introvert realizes he can be whomever he wants to be on the internet.


Sherwin ShilatiSherwin Shilatiregista

Production and Screenplay

Michael Mohanscrittore
Sherwin ShilatiSherwin Shilatisceneggiatore
Sherwin ShilatiSherwin Shilatiscrittore
Jack Sheehanproduttore
Sarah J. donohueproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Carlo RotaCarlo Rota(età:56)
Carly ChaikinCarly Chaikin(età:27)
Halston SageHalston Sage(età:24)
Chrissie FitChrissie Fit(età:33)
Nick Thune(età:38)
Gillian AlexyGillian Alexy(età:31)
Ian HardingIan Harding(età:31)
Dillon Lane(età:24)
Eli Jane(età:38)
Donn Swaby(età:44)
Justin Klosky(età:37)

Technical staff

Alysia Raycraftcostumista
Brian Burgoynedirettore della fotografia
Tom Lisowskiscenografo
Noa Bolozkytruccatore
Jonathan Melinmontatore
Nina Minsterparrucchiere

Music tracks of the soundtrack