Database of cinema, music, history and literature

per salvarti ho peccato (1953)

Original title: per salvarti ho peccato
Production: Italy|90 min|
when the young luigino, due to a serious illness, has to undergo a blood transfusion, the father discovers that the blood group of the child is different from his and that of the mother. the man learns that his father is a nazi, now in jail, to whom his wife had to give herself for serious reasons. to save the child the criminal is authorized to get out of prison and the opportunity allows him to escape, during which, due to an accident, he dies. a moment before, however, he asks for forgiveness and offers his blood.


Giorgio CapitaniGiorgio Capitaniaiuto regista
ManMario Costaregista

Production and Screenplay

Giorgio CapitaniGiorgio Capitanisceneggiatore
Anton Giulio MajanoAnton Giulio Majanosceneggiatore
ManMario Costasceneggiatore
ManGuido Malatestasceneggiatore
Antonio Leonviolasceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

Milly VitaleMilly Vitale(età:21)
Carlo Reder
gianfranco nicostra
dottor Martini
Aldo SilvaniAldo Silvani(età:62)
Agnese Reder
Bianca DoriaBianca Doria(età:38)

Technical staff

Otello ColangeliOtello Colangelimontatore
Anchise BrizziAnchise Brizzidirettore della fotografia
Edmondo Lozzimontatore
Silvio ClementelliSilvio Clementelliorganizzatore generale
ManAlberto Fusioperatore
Lamberto Giovagnoliscenografo
Franco CasavolaFranco Casavolamusiche
Ferdinando Ruffoscenografo
Weiss Ruffillidirettore di produzione
Lamberto Giovagnoniscenografo