Database of cinema, music, history and literature

percy jackson: sea of monsters (2013)

Original title: percy jackson: sea of monsters
Production: USA|106 min
Poster of movie percy jackson: sea of monsters
This movie is episode 2 of the series percy jackson composed by:

Origin of the subject


Production and Screenplay

Marc GuggenheimMarc Guggenheimsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Logan LermanLogan Lerman(età:21)
(perseus jackson)
Brandon t. JacksonBrandon t. Jackson(età:29)
(grover underwood)
Alexandra DaddarioAlexandra Daddario(età:27)
(annabeth chase)
Douglas SmithDouglas Smith(età:28)
Leven RambinLeven Rambin(età:23)
(clarisse la rue)
Jake AbelJake Abel(età:26)
(luke castellan)
Paloma KwiatkowskiPaloma Kwiatkowski(età:19)
(talia grace)
Grey DamonGrey Damon(età:26)
(chris rodriguez)
Stanley TucciStanley Tucci(età:53)
Nathan FillionNathan Fillion(età:42)
Sean BeanSean Bean(età:54)
Anthony HeadAnthony Head(età:59)
Mary BirdsongMary Birdsong(età:45)
Robert MailletRobert Maillet(età:44)
Derek MearsDerek Mears(età:41)
Daniel CudmoreDaniel Cudmore(età:32)
percy jackson
mr. d/dionisio
Missi PyleMissi Pyle(età:41)

Technical staff

Mark Goldblattmontatore
Shelly Johnsondirettore della fotografia
Claude Paréscenografo
Monique Prudhommecostumista
Rebecca Leetruccatore
Lisa Lovetruccatore
Lee Grimestruccatore
Fay Von schroedertruccatore
Stacey Herberttruccatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2013)

Marco MeteMarco Mete Voice of mr. d/dionisio
Sonia ScottiSonia Scotti Voice of oracolo

Version Originale(2013)