Database of cinema, music, history and literature

perfect strangers (1945)

Original title: perfect strangers
Production: UK|93 min| black and white
Dramatic, Comedy, Romantic
Poster of movie perfect strangers
a dull married couple, separated by their enlistment during world war ii, reunite after three years to find that they have become very different people.

Festivals and awards


Alexander KordaAlexander Kordaregista

Production and Screenplay

Alexander KordaAlexander Kordaproduttore
Ian Dalrympleproduttore
Clemence DaneClemence Danesceneggiatore
Clemence DaneClemence Danescrittore
Anthony Pelissiersceneggiatore
Anthony Pelissierscrittore

Interpreters and Characters

Ann ToddAnn Todd(età:36)
Roland CulverRoland Culver(età:45)
Deborah KerrDeborah Kerr(età:24)
(catherine wilson)
Glynis JohnsGlynis Johns(età:22)
(dizzy clayton)
Robert DonatRobert Donat(età:40)
(robert wilson)
Roger MooreRoger Moore(età:18)
Peter LawfordPeter Lawford(età:22)
Allan JeayesAllan Jeayes(età:60)
Edward RigbyEdward Rigby(età:66)
Ivor Barnard(età:58)
Muriel GeorgeMuriel George(età:62)
Elliott Mason(età:57)
Brian Weske(età:13)
Harry Ross(età:32)
Caven Watson(età:42)
Jack Vyvyan(età:56)

Technical staff

Vincent KordaVincent Kordascenografo
Clifton Parkermusiche
Georges Perinaldirettore della fotografia
Edward B. jarvismontatore
Marjorie Whittleparrucchiere