Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Feather Fairy (1985)

Original title: perinbaba
Production: USA|90 min
Comedy, Romantic, Fantasy
Poster of movie The Feather Fairy

Festivals and awards


Juraj Jakubiskoregista

Production and Screenplay

Lubomír Feldeksceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

frau Holle
Zora KerowaZora Kerowa(età:35)
Tobias HoeslTobias Hoesl(età:24)
Pavol Mikulik(età:41)
Petr Hapka(età:41)
Karel Effa(età:63)
Eva Horká(età:18)

Technical staff

Edith Almoslinocostumista
Peter Manhardtscenografo
Petr Hapkamusiche
Dodo Simoncicdirettore della fotografia
Olga Maiováscenografo