Database of cinema, music, history and literature

personal services (1987)

Original title: personal services
Production: USA|105 min|

Festivals and awards


Terry JonesTerry Jonesregista

Production and Screenplay

David LelandDavid Lelandsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Shirley StelfoxShirley Stelfox(età:46)
Julie WaltersJulie Walters(età:37)
(Christine Painter)
Alec Mccowen(età:62)
(wing commander morten)
Danny Schiller(età:52)
Tim WoodwardTim Woodward(età:34)
Dave AtkinsDave Atkins(età:47)
Ewan Hooper(età:52)
Alan Bowyer
(david painter)
Beverley Foster
Leon Lissek(età:48)
(mr. popozogolou)
Peter Cellier(età:59)
(mr. marples)
Benjamin WhitrowBenjamin Whitrow(età:50)
(mr. marsden)
Stephen Lewis(età:61)
(mr. dunkley)
John Bailey(età:75)

Technical staff

Shuna Harwoodcostumista
Jenny Shircoretruccatore