Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Peter Rabbit (2018)

Original title: peter rabbit
Production: Australia, UK, USA|90 min
Animation, Comedy, Action
Poster of movie Peter Rabbit
This movie is episode 1 of the series Peter Rabbit composed by:


Will Gluckregista

Production and Screenplay

Rob Lieberproduttore esecutivo
Rob Liebersceneggiatore
Rob Lieberscrittore
Brian Lynchproduttore
Will Gluckproduttore
Will Glucksceneggiatore
Will Gluckscrittore
Zareh Nalbandianproduttore
Doug Belgradproduttore esecutivo
Catherine Bishopproduttore esecutivo
Emma Toppingproduttore esecutivo
Jodi Hildebrandproduttore esecutivo
Jonathan V. hludzinskiproduttore esecutivo
Felicity Stauntonproduttore
Jason Bathproduttore
Jason Lustproduttore esecutivo

Characters and Interpreters

Rose ByrneRose Byrne(età:39)
direttore generale
mr. rabbit
johnny town-mouse
peter rabbit
thomas mcgregor
thomas mcgregor sr.
Sam NeillSam Neill(età:71)
flopsy rabbit
mopsy rabbit
benjamin bunny
pigling bland
jeremy fisher
jemima puddle-duck
tommy brock
mrs. tiggy-winkle
josephine rabbit
felix d'eer
jw rooster ii
singing sparrow
Sacha HorlerSacha Horler(età:47)
Dusan Bucan(età:42)

Technical staff

Lizzy Gardinercostumista
Roger Fordscenografo
Peter Menzies jr.Peter Menzies jr.direttore della fotografia
Paulina Bonevatruccatore
Lesley Vanderwaltparrucchiere
Ian Graciescenografo
Lisa Thompsonarredatore
Martina Byrneparrucchiere
Dominic Lewismusiche
Nikki Barrettcasting
Ricci-lee Berryparrucchiere
Damien Drewscenografo
Yvonne Savageparrucchiere
Jennifer Stanfieldparrucchiere
Terri Farmerparrucchiere
Tori Grayparrucchiere

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2018)

Alessia AmendolaAlessia Amendola Voice of coda-tonda
Francesca ManiconeFrancesca Manicone Voice of flopsy rabbit
Domitilla D'AmicoDomitilla D'Amico Voice of mopsy rabbit
Nicola SavinoNicola Savino Voice of peter rabbit
Edoardo StoppacciaroEdoardo Stoppacciaro Voice of benjamin bunny

Version Originale(2018)

Rachel WardRachel Ward Voice of josephine rabbit
Rose ByrneRose Byrne Voice of jemima puddle-duck
Elizabeth DebickiElizabeth Debicki Voice of mopsy rabbit
James CordenJames Corden Voice of peter rabbit
Bryan BrownBryan Brown Voice of mr. rabbit
Christian Gazal Voice of felix d'eer
Sam NeillSam Neill Voice of tommy brock
Colin Moody Voice of benjamin bunny
Daisy RidleyDaisy Ridley Voice of coda-tonda
David WenhamDavid Wenham Voice of johnny town-mouse
Sia (cantante)Sia (cantante) Voice of mrs. tiggy-winkle
Domhnall GleesonDomhnall Gleeson Voice of jeremy fisher
Margot RobbieMargot Robbie Voice of flopsy rabbit
Fayssal Bazzi Voice of Tod

Music tracks of the soundtrack