Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Pieds nus sur les limaces (2010)

Original title: pieds nus sur les limaces
Production: France|103 min
Poster of movie Pieds nus sur les limaces
clara is happily married to a promising lawyer and lives in paris. after the sudden death of her mother, clara has to assume responsibility for her younger sister lily, whose extreme sensitivity makes her vulnerable.

Festivals and awards


Production and Screenplay

Pascal Arnoldsceneggiatore
Pascal Arnolddialoghi
Fabienne Berthaudsceneggiatore
Bertrand Faivreproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Diane KrugerDiane Kruger(età:34)
Reda KatebReda Kateb(età:33)
Stanley WeberStanley Weber(età:24)
Côme LevinCôme Levin(età:20)

Technical staff

Antoine Carrardcasting
Bethsabée Dreyfuscostumista
Michael Stevensmusiche
Stéphane Cressendscenografo
Emmanuel Delisarredatore
Nathalie Duranddirettore della fotografia
Pierre Haberermontatore
Fabienne Berthauddirettore della fotografia