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pinguini di madagascar in missione natale (2005)

Original title: the madagascar penguins in a christmas caper
Production: USA|11 min| |
Comedy, Action, Adventure


Gary Trousdaleregista

Production and Screenplay

Michael Lachancesceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

chris miller
ted, l'orso polare
John DiMaggioJohn DiMaggio(età:37)

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2005)

Gerolamo AlchieriGerolamo Alchieri Voice of Kowalski
Pasquale AnselmoPasquale Anselmo Voice of Rico
Franco MannellaFranco Mannella Voice of soldato
Cristina NociCristina Noci Voice of Nana
Luigi FerraroLuigi Ferraro Voice of Skipper

Version Originale(2005)

Elisa Gabrielli Voice of Nana
Bill FagerbakkeBill Fagerbakke Voice of ted, l'orso polare
Tom McGrath Voice of Skipper
Chris Miller (animatore)Chris Miller (animatore) Voice of Kowalski
John DiMaggioJohn DiMaggio Voice of Rico
Christopher KnightsChristopher Knights Voice of soldato