Database of cinema, music, history and literature

planet of the apes (1968)

Original title: planet of the apes
Production: USA|112 min
Science fiction, Time travel, Political
Poster of movie planet of the apes
This movie is episode 1 of the series planet of the apes composed by:
The same story is the basis of the movies:

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject


Production and Screenplay

Rod SerlingRod Serlingsceneggiatore
Michael G.wilsonsceneggiatore
Arthur P.jacobsproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Charlton HestonCharlton Heston(età:45)
(George Taylor)
Maurice EvansMaurice Evans(età:67)
(professor zaius)
Roddy McDowallRoddy McDowall(età:40)
James WhitmoreJames Whitmore(età:47)
(presidente dell'assemblea)
James DalyJames Daly(età:50)
(dottor honorious)
Kim HunterKim Hunter(età:46)
Linda HarrisonLinda Harrison(età:23)
Linda HarrisonLinda Harrison(età:23)
Woodrow ParfreyWoodrow Parfrey(età:46)
(dottor maximus)
Buck Kartalian(età:46)
Norman BurtonNorman Burton(età:45)
(capo dei gorilla)
Robert Gunner(età:37)
Wright KingWright King(età:45)
(dottor galeno)
Lou WagnerLou Wagner(età:20)
Paul LambertPaul Lambert(età:46)
Jeff Burton(età:44)

Technical staff

Jerry GoldsmithJerry Goldsmithmusiche
Leon ShamroyLeon Shamroydirettore della fotografia
Jack Martin SmithJack Martin Smithscenografo
John ChambersJohn Chamberstruccatore
Morton Haackcostumista
Hugh S. Fowlermontatore
William J. Creberscenografo

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1968)